How to monitor CPU temperature

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Do your PC fans make strange noises? Your notebook has become hot and you do not understand why? There is probably something wrong with the computer’s ventilation system, or some application is putting the processor under strain and pushing the PC to operate the fans.

To better understand what is happening, take five minutes of free time and find out how to monitor CPU temperature thanks to the applications I am going to advise you. These are free software, available for both Windows and MacOS, which take advantage of computer sensors to monitor the temperature of the processor and find out when the CPU is put under stress.

But what is the ideal temperature for a processor? In principle we can say that between 45 and 60 degrees Celsius you can sleep peacefully (especially if the surrounding environment is not particularly cold), when you exceed 60 ° and you do it for prolonged periods, you have to start worrying . In any case, know that each processor has a different tolerability rate at high temperatures, if you want to find out what CPU of your computer consult the website CPU World .

Core Temp (Windows)

If you use a Windows PC, you can  monitor the CPU temperature with  Core Temp . It is a small free utility that shows the temperature of each CPU core. It supports all major  Intel  and  AMD processors and can be used without any tedious installation procedures. Here  is the complete list of CPUs compatible with the software.

To download Core Temp on your PC, connect to its official website and click on the item  More downloads  (top center) and then on the  32 Bit  entry or the 64 Bitentry  , depending on whether you are using a 32 or 64 operating system bit. When the download is complete, open the zip archive you just downloaded, extract the contents in any folder and start the Core Temp.exe program  .

In the window that opens you can see all the details about the CPU of your PC (model, frequency, etc.) and the temperature of each core: in the fields  Core # 0 ,  Core # 1 etc. there are the current temperatures of the various cores, in the Minfields   the minimum temperatures reached by the cores, while in the Max fields are   listed the maximum temperatures reached by the processor cores. In the drop-down menu located at the top, however, you can choose the processor to monitor.

You can also minimize Core Temp in the notification area and display an indicator with the current processor temperature next to the Windows clock. To do so, click on the  Show / Hide  item in the File menu   and keep an eye on the colored indicators that appear in the Windows notification area (each indicator is for a CPU core). To change the features of the indicator in the notification area, go to the Options> Settings menu and select the Windows Taskbar tab from the window that opens.

Open Hardware Monitor (Windows)

In the event that Core Temp is incompatible with your system, you can monitor the CPU temperature with  Open Hardware Monitor . It is a free and open source application that works without requiring any installation. The list of CPUs supported by the program can be found  here .

To download Open Hardware Monitor on your PC, connected to its official website and click on the Download Now button  . At the end of the download, open the zip package that contains the program, extract the content in one of your choice and start the executable  OpenHardwareMonitor.exe .

At this point you just have to expand the menu related to the processor and click on the “+” button located next to the entry Clocks . The temperatures of the CPU cores are those listed under the heading Temperatures : in the Value column there are the current core temperatures, in the Max temperature the maximum temperatures reached recently.